28 Best Keto Tips & Hacks

With all of the incredible benefits keto has to offer such as weight loss, improved blood sugar control and more energy, there’s no wonder people are going all-in on keto to lose weight and improve their health. However, in order to get results and reap all of the benefits a keto lifestyle has to offer requires consistently sticking with it, which can be easier said than done.

Below are 28 keto diet tips, tricks and hacks that make adhering to this way of eating a heck of a lot easier to achieve a true lifestyle transformation. It will go over different tools, strategies, mindset, ways to save time and money, eat as healthily as possible, and generally make keto more enjoyable so you can get results, and maintain them in the long run. 




One of the most important ways to make dieting and weight loss easier on ourselves is to set realistic goals and expectations. You may see incredible transformation photos of people who follow a keto diet that can be super inspiring! But what you don’t see in those photos are strategies, struggles, consistency, and subtle shifts that occurred to get those results

Set realistic weight loss expectations and goals, not more strict. If this is a true lifestyle change, then you’re in it for the long haul anyway.


Keto is not a “quick fix” diet, but rather a long term lifestyle change. The weight gain didn’t happen overnight, so you can’t expect the weight loss to happen overnight either. It’s not a race to see who can lose weight the fastest. The goal is to lose weight at a slow, steady, and healthy pace if you want to maintain the results long term. Aim for 1-2 lbs of weight loss per week.


This is your main reason for wanting to lose weight in the first place. Dig deep and visualize what your life will look like once you’ve reached your ideal weight. What could that change for you? Do you want to be healthier to keep up with your kids, and set a good example? Do you want to live pain free? Whatever your reason is for keto weight loss, keep it front of mind during the times when you may want to quit. Having a bigger, more meaningful goal will help you stay on track during times when you may want instant gratification from food vs delayed gratification of being healthier in the long term.


If possible, remove all high carb and sugary foods from your kitchen. There’s no need to have them there tempting you, especially on the days you’re really busy, overtired, and more likely to default to old eating habits.

If it’s not possible to remove these foods completely, try to keep them in a single cupboard for your family members that you don’t frequent very often.


Stock up on all the keto staples that make cooking and baking so much easier for your keto lifestyle. Buy some things in bulk if it makes it cheaper and easier to always have certain things on hand. For a list of everything you may possibly need for a well stocked keto kitchen click the link below to download a free printable checklist!



If you’re new to a keto diet, or getting back on track after a keto hiatus, tracking your macros is a great way to ensure you’re eating the right things in the right quantities. Macros = macronutrients and are the fats, proteins and carbs found in every food. It’s much easier to succeed once you’re fully aware of what foods to eat, what foods to avoid, and in the right quantities to fuel your body properly.

This is easily done using the Carb Manager or MyFitnessPal apps. Be sure to adjust your macros after every 10lbs lost to make sure you continue to make progress.  You don’t have to track forever if you don’t want to, but it’s a great tool to learn when you’re just starting out that you can always go back to in the future to ensure you’re making progress on your keto journey.


When you plan in advance, you are more likely to stick with it and be more successful. The night before, take a few minutes while you’re watching TV or have some downtime to track everything you’ll eat for the next day. This takes out all of the guesswork, and won’t leave you scrambling to figure out how to make your macros fit. It will also save you time instead of standing in front of the fridge or cupboards wondering what to eat!


Seek out easy swaps for some of the carby foods you enjoy to make living a keto lifestyle easier. There is a low carb version of almost everything these days, and more grocery stores are even carrying keto-friendly products! There are also many online retailers dedicated to bringing you keto alternatives for high carb or high sugar foods. Check out this blog for 65 Keto Substitutes for Carby Foods!


Stick to simple, whole-food meals that you enjoy that fuel your body and help you move towards your goals. This will also make tracking macros a lot easier, and provides nutrients your body needs to feel nourished and satisfied. 


While it’s great to focus mostly on whole foods majority of the time for the best results, there will be times when you need a quick snack on the go, or want a little something sweet after a meal. Meat sticks, nuts, cheese sticks, pickles, hard boiled eggs, and low carb protein shakes are great options for a quick snack in between meals. Fat bombs, sugar free chocolate or bars are all good alternatives for a little something sweet. Or do some keto baking ahead of time, portion out your dessert and keep them in the freezer for when you want a treat! A full list of keto friendly snacks and pantry desserts are listed in the Ultimate Keto Pantry Checklist! Click the button in this blog to download your printable copy!


Once you’ve established some easy basic keto-friendly meals that you enjoy, create a list or booklet to keep track of all your favourites! This can act as a quick reference guide when you’re not sure of what you feel like eating, or for when you’re tired after a busy day and tempted to eat something off-plan. It can save you time and money just having a list of meals you know have great macros, and leave you feeling full and satisfied.


Similar to making a list, create a Pinterest board of recipes you love and recipes you’d like to try to keep your keto food interesting so you don’t get bored. This will help you stay on track long term by changing things up and finding a keto-friendly recipe for just about anything you crave! I’ve curated multiple keto recipe boards to help share some keto inspiration - follow me over on Pinterest!


While the most important thing for getting into ketosis and staying there is the amount of carbs you consume each day, calories still count when it comes to weight loss. And since a lot of keto friendly foods are also highly caloric, it’s important to be mindful of the amount of calories you consume if you want to reach your weight loss goals. The reason why people find keto so effective is because the foods feel indulgent and satisfying, making it easier to adhere to a ketogenic lifestyle long term. Be sure to track your calories to ensure you’re in a deficit and moving towards your ideal weight.



This is somewhat debated in the keto community, but I personally believe that you don’t have to get all of your fats in on a daily basis for keto. The most important macros to pay attention to are staying at or below 20-25g net carbs, hitting your protein, and staying at your calorie goals. Fats are used to help ensure you’re feeling full and satisfied. So if you’re still feeling hungry, try having a fat bomb, or adding healthy fats to your meals like butter or coconut oil. If you’re feeling satisfied from your usual meals, don’t worry about adding in more fats.


Everyone’s journey is different. We all have different body’s, different needs, and different circumstances in our lives. The only person you need to compare yourself to is your past self. Comparing yourself to others can make you feel discouraged and feed unrealistic expectations. Focus instead on setting up your environment for success, daily habits, and your own lifestyle changes that will make weight loss easy and sustainable.


Taking lots of photos along your journey can help as a reminder of just how far you’ve come! This is an inspiring and motivating way to track your progress, especially when the scale stops moving. Other ways of measuring progress without the scale include taking body measurements or keeping a piece of fitted clothing you can try on every few weeks.


Water is one of the most underestimated things on any weight loss journey. It is absolutely essential on keto to drink 3-4 liters or 0.8-1 gallons of water per day. When you restrict carbs, your body also loses water in the process. Dehydration is the number one side effect of a keto diet, so be sure to stay hydrated! You can get a water tracking bottle, a fun new water bottle, or re-useable straws that may help you hit your water goals.


Just as our body loses water on a ketogenic diet, it also excretes electrolytes as well. Supplementing electrolytes on a keto diet is not optional if you want to avoid “the keto flu”. This is a flu-like occurrence that happens when our electrolytes are unbalanced. It can happen any time during your keto journey, not just at the beginning. The main electrolytes to be aware of are sodium, potassium and magnesium. You can purchase pre-made electrolytes, make your own DIY electrolyte drinks, add more salt to your food, eat foods rich in potassium and magnesium, or even sip on some pickle juice to make sure you’re feeling your best on keto.


While this isn’t totally necessary on a keto diet, once you become fat adapted you may notice a decrease in hunger and want to give it a try! Intermittent fasting can not only help you lose weight, it actually helps increase ketone production. Whenever we restrict food for a period of time, our body will increase ketone levels to meet energy needs, which can help get you into ketosis faster.


All forms or exercise or daily movement can help you increase ketone production. Low-intensity exercise like walking, stretching or yoga can provide your liver with more ketone building blocks and help you burn fat. High-intensity exercise like weight lifting, running, or interval training can help deplete glycogen stores and increase the body’s need to produce ketones. Either way, it will help you achieve and remain in ketosis. Be sure to start small so you don’t get overwhelmed, and pick a form of exercise that you truly enjoy so it’s easier to stick with it!


There will always be roadblocks that appear on everyone’s keto journey. The key is to be aware of these obstacles in advance so you can plan accordingly to keep you moving towards your goals. Holidays, birthday parties, vacations, etc will all present challenges that can derail your progress. Develop strategies that you will use during these times such as eating something ahead of time, bringing your own snacks, asking for half your meal to be wrapped up right away, or indulging in moderation. It’s essential to make this decision ahead of time and stick with it using the rational side of your brain, and not allowing your emotional brain to take over.



Taking a bit of time to plan your meals for the week and doing some meal or protein prep can really pay-off! Not only will it save you time during your busy work week, it helps you save money, and helps to keep you on track. This is one of the best ways to make keto easy and sustainable long term. If you have a plan in place, you’re more likely to stick to it than just winging it on a daily basis. Especially for times when you’re tired, busy, and willpower is low. You can download the free Step-By-Step Guide to Keto Meal Planning on a Budget full of action steps + templates to get keto meal planning with ease.


You may notice changes to your digestion as you transition to a keto diet. Fiber is an important factor to maintaining a healthy gut, which is crucial for not only your digestive system but also your immune system. Be sure to include low carb vegetables, avocados, psyllium husks, hemp hearts or ground flaxseeds in your keto diet to keep you regular, and feeling your best.


Many packaged foods and condiments contain hidden carbs and sugars. It’s important to be familiar with reading labels so you’re fully aware of what’s in your food. Since keto has been on the rise in popularity, a lot of companies are creating products labeled as “KETO” but one glance at the nutrition facts and ingredients would say otherwise. Don’t fall victim to marketing schemes trying to cash in on the latest fad. Always read your labels and fully understand what’s in your food.


As just mentioned, keto being highly popular at the moment creates people trying to capitalize on the trend. You don’t need ANY products or expensive meal plans to achieve ketosis. If you are consistently keeping your carbs below 20-25g net carbs, YOU WILL get into ketosis. Check out this blog on 12 different signs and symptoms that will help you know when ketosis starts.

If you are doing keto for more therapeutic reasons and want to track your ketones, a blood meter is the best way to test your levels. Breath meters and urine strips are also available, but are not the most reliable ways to measure your ketone levels. It is not necessary to track your ketone levels at all on keto for success, so it’s entirely up to you if you choose to spend money on these products.

Exogenous ketones are also not necessary for success on a keto diet. They are expensive, and can help with things like energy and mental clarity but do not magically help you lose weight any faster than without them. In fact, it’s better for your body to create ketones rather than taking an external source.


There will be times in your keto weight loss journey where your progress will likely stall. It can feel extremely discouraging and frustrating when you’re doing everything “right” but not getting results. A few common reasons for weight loss to plateau include: too many processed keto foods and treats, not drinking enough water, and not adjusting macros after weight loss.

When you first transition to a keto diet, you may experience a quick drop in weight. This is super exciting and can help keep you motivated at the start! This weight loss, however, is mostly just water weight not fat loss. It is extremely common that after the initial water weight loss, people experience a stall in progress. This is totally normal as your body is adjusting to running on an entirely different form of fuel!

Sometimes our weight may stall along the way for no apparent reason. It can be disappointing to put in the effort and not get the results you’re hoping for, but it’s crucial to stick with it! Treat your body with love, grace, and respect, and think of it as a time your body needs to heal. If you keep it up, and make some minor adjustments listed above, the weight will start coming off again.


Always remember that your keto weight loss journey is a process. The weight didn’t go on overnight, so we can’t expect it to come off overnight either. If you’re putting in the effort, staying below 20-25g net carbs, remaining in a caloric deficit, you will lose weight. Consistency is crucial for getting results. The things you will learn about yourself when you start to make choices that align with who you want to become are immeasurable. Just continue to trust the process, continue to put in the work, and you will be rewarded by feeling happier, healthier and more confident in your skin.


Accountability can play a huge role in staying on track with your keto lifestyle. It can help you stay motivated, and give you a place of support if you need to vent or feel like giving up. Working with a coach can help you feel fully supported, provide guidance, and is a great way to learn from someone who has been through exactly what you’re experiencing. It’s a way to fast track through some of the struggles most people encounter on keto, and have strategies and tools to help overcome issues that may be holding you back. I coach women at all stages of their journey to help them achieve the healthy body they desire, and transform their keto diet into a true, keto lifestyle in a simple and sustainable way. If you’re interested in any help along your keto journey, click here to learn how Keto Success Coaching can help! 


15 Health Conditions Keto May Help

The ketogenic diet has become extremely popular in the last few years. This way of eating has helped countless people to lose weight, but anecdotal evidence and early research suggests that the keto diet may help several health conditions as well. Whether you’ve started a keto diet yet or not, keep reading to learn about all the incredible health benefits this lifestyle has to offer.

We live in a society where prescription medication is often the first solution to many health concerns, with little to no discussion about lifestyle changes from medical professionals. There is certainly a time and a place for medical intervention, however when it comes to managing long-term chronic health conditions, most medications act as an ongoing “band-aid” solution. For serious health conditions, you should still continue standard therapies and consult with your doctor before including a ketogenic diet.

But for most chronic health issues, we can take some responsibility and control over our own health by making changes to our everyday lifestyle. The ketogenic diet has been shown to not only improve many of these issues, but in some cases - it has even reversed them. In the words of Hippocrates, “let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” And following a ketogenic diet may just be an effective (and delicious) way to enjoy many different health benefits!



Weight loss is likely the main reason most people start a ketogenic diet, but that does not mean it isn’t an important part of improving our health! Keto is not just a “quick-fix diet”. Turning your keto diet into a keto lifestyle can be an absolute game changer if you’ve struggled to lose weight and maintain it in the past. Keto helps to convert the body from a carb-burning diet to a fat-burning diet. A diet high in carbohydrates can cause bloating, weight gain, and poor health and relies on burning carbs for fuel. A diet high in healthy fats, moderate protein and minimal carbs can allow you to eat until satiated, and burns fat from your body and the foods you eat for fuel.

For the first time in history, obesity rates in the US have surpassed the 40% marker. In 2020, the obesity rate in America was 42.2% further indicating the obesity crisis is very real. Whether you’re a little overweight or obese a ketogenic diet can not only help you lose weight, it can help reduce the risk factors of obesity-related illnesses and conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and certain cancers. (More on this later).

And quite possibly the best part of a ketogenic diet is that you don’t have to be starving and miserable all the time to achieve results! You can eat filling, satisfying food full of healthy fats that are highly satiating and convert your body into becoming a fat burning machine. Once you’ve reduced carbohydrates from the diet, your body enters a state called ketosis where it burns fat for fuel on a metabolic level. And once you’ve become totally fat adapted, you may have more energy and ability to include physical activity into your health lifestyle as well.


Epilepsy is the most studied health condition when it comes to the benefits of a ketogenic diet, especially in children. Epilepsy is a disease that causes seizures due to excessive brain activity. Research has shown that seizures improve for 50% of epilepsy patients that follow a ketogenic diet, especially for those who do not respond to medication alone. The keto diet has been shown to improve more than just seizure control for epileptic patients. Some research has shown that children with epilepsy have various other brain improvements while following a ketogenic diet, regardless if the number of seizures are reduced.


Inflammation is a natural response in the body to help heal and fight infection. But persistent inflammation can cause a number of issues such as chronic pain, joint stiffness, swelling and fatigue. 

When your body is consistently in a state of ketosis, it produces ketones such as BHB (B-Hydroxybutyrate), a strong anti-inflammatory chemical. This helps to inhibit the inflammatory pathways in the body, and has been shown to exhibit similar effects as strong pain medications such as NSAIDs.

The ketogenic diet itself is high in anti-inflammatory foods, and promotes avoidance of known inflammatory foods. 

Anti-Inflammatory foods on keto include: eggs, olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, fatty fish, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, blueberries, bone broth, garlic, nuts and seeds and more.

Inflammatory foods avoided on keto include: processed foods, refined sugar, grains, starchy vegetables, sugary fruits, processed oils, and high sugar drinks like juice or soda.


When people think of a high fat diet, they often immediately worry about cholesterol. This is a totally normal response given the fact that for years we’ve been told that low fat diets are heart healthy, and high fat diets are not. But more and more research is showing that fat is not the real concern but rather a scapegoat for cardiovascular and obesity issues generally caused by processed carbohydrates and refined sugar. 

Following a ketogenic diet, most people experience a decrease in total cholesterol, a decrease in triglycerides and an increase in HDL cholesterol (the good one!). Some people may initially see an increase in cholesterol when they start a ketogenic diet, get nervous and quit. This short-term increase in LDL cholesterol is a totally normal response to any rapid weight loss - whether it’s from fat loss or water loss in the body. If this is a concern, it is recommended waiting 6 months into your keto lifestyle to test lipid panels, or until you’re closer to maintenance and your weight loss has tapered off to get a truly accurate cholesterol result.



Since the ketogenic diet avoids sugar and highly refined carbohydrates it’s no wonder that it can be beneficial at managing blood sugar and diabetes. The less sugar and carbs you eat, the less sugar in your bloodstream. The benefits of a ketogenic diet for people with diabetes is so effective that it is highly recommended to work closely with your health care provider to continuously adjust medications as needed while glucose levels become lower and more stabilized.

After eating high-carb, high glycemic index foods the body experiences a dramatic spike in blood glucose, followed by a subsequent drop. On keto, you reduce the amount of carbs and sugar and naturally reduce the amount of drastic spikes and falls in blood glucose. Plus, once you’ve burned through your glucose stores and start using fat for fuel, insulin levels lower since your body no longer has to manage high amounts of sugar. 


Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that includes abdominal obesity, high triglycerides, blood pressure and blood sugar, and low  HDL (good) cholesterol. People with metabolic syndrome have an elevated risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. One of the main factors of metabolic syndrome is insulin resistance, so getting that under control through a ketogenic diet can help decrease other symptoms.


As you transition to a ketogenic lifestyle you may notice issues falling or staying asleep, and a decrease in energy or flu-like symptoms known as “the keto flu”. This can all be avoided by proper electrolyte supplementation (read more about electrolytes here). After a few days to a week however, you may start reaping the benefits of a deeper, more restful sleep at night, and an increase in energy during the day!

Once your body converts from burning glycogen to fat and ketones for fuel it can give you more energy and greater endurance. No more afternoon crashes. Just clean fuel to keep you going throughout the day.

While there is no specific research on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, there may be some benefits in using is as a management strategy as mitochondrial dysfunction, neuroinflammation and immune dysfunction could improve following a ketogenic diet.


While more research needs to be conducted, a study on mice showed that the ketogenic diet can reduce anxiety. Researchers believe the decrease in sugar and increase in healthy fats caused a reduction in anxiety. 

Being in a state of ketosis has also shown to increase a common neurotransmitter in the brain called GABA. There is evidence that multiple anxiety disorders result from dysfunctional GABA activity. Studies show that a good balance of GABA can reduce stress and anxiety.


PCOS is a disease marked by hormonal dysfunction and can often result in insulin resistance, hormone imbalances, unwanted hair, acne, irregular periods and infertility. There are studies in addition to many anecdotal reports that a ketogenic diet can help improve PCOS symptoms and increase the likelihood of pregnancy. 

Due to insulin resistance in women with PCOS, it can be very difficult to lose weight and increase the chance of developing type 2 diabetes. Research has shown that following a ketogenic lifestyle in women with PCOS can improve insulin resistance and reduce body mass, while managing other unwanted symptoms of the disease.



While sugar is a form of quick energy, it isn’t the best for our brain function. While the research is fairly new, some evidence suggests that the brain operates better on ketones than glucose. On a Standard American Diet the brain uses 100% glucose to fuel the brain. On keto, two thirds of the brain’s energy comes from ketones which can lead to increased mental clarity and decreased brain fog. 

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive form of dementia characterized by plaques and tangles in the brain that impair memory. The disease interestingly shares features of both epilepsy and diabetes: seizures, inability of the brain using glucose as fuel, and insulin resistance. Studies have shown following a ketogenic diet can improve coordination and balance, but doesn’t improve amyloid plaque which is the hallmark of the disease. However, the addition of ketone esters and MCT oil have been shown to reduce amyloid plaque, increase ketone production, and help improve several symptoms of the disease.


Up to 80% of people diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease go on to develop some form of dementia. While keto may not improve the movement symptoms of the disease, it can help the cognitive effects of Parkinson’s. One reason the keto diet may help is a decrease in insulin secretion in the body. Research suggests that higher insulin circulating in the body correlates to lower insulin in the brain, and insulin in the brain is necessary to support memory consolidation.


Glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1) deficiency syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that usually begins after birth and can include developmental delay, difficulty with movement and sometimes seizures.

It involves a deficiency in a particular protein that helps move blood sugar into the brain for fuel. Ketones do not require this protein to move across the brain, so children with this condition following a ketogenic diet can use ketones efficiently instead.


Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is a direct result from eating a Western diet. It is strongly linked to prediabetes, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity as a result of high blood sugar levels. The reduction in carb consumption can decrease blood sugar, decrease weight, lower blood pressure, and liver enzymes that cause fatty liver disease.


Multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms include numbness, problems with balance, vision, movement and memory. It is caused by damages to the protective covering around nerve cells which leads to communication problems between the brain and the body.  

Some studies have shown that following a ketogenic diet can decrease inflammation which helps to improve memory and physical functions. Another study found significant improvements in quality of life scores, cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the groups that followed a ketogenic diet and fasted.



Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. In addition to traditional treatments, including a ketogenic diet has been shown to help prevent tumor growth, and progression of cancer to other parts of the body. 

Cancel cells have many insulin receptors making them flourish in environments with high blood sugar and insulin. A ketogenic diet that reduces the amount of sugar in the blood, and uses ketones for fuel without feeding tumors. Although it may not have an impact on patients with advanced or terminal cancer, it can help improve their quality of life. Many preclinical studies are underway to research a ketogenic diet in conjunction with other anti-cancer therapies.

Other conditions that have been improved by a ketogenic diet but there is a lack of research include: gout, migraines, autism, and epilepsy in adults.

While there needs to be more research on all of the potential benefits of a ketogenic diet, preliminary research and anecdotal evidence shows that it may help improve many conditions and overall health. If food can help prevent many of these health issues, it is our responsibility to make our health a priority. We have the choice to live a lifestyle that allows us to maintain a healthy weight, decrease pain and inflammation, and improve various health markers for your overall wellbeing and longevity! If you are interested in living a ketogenic lifestyle to improve your health but feel overwhelmed on where to start, I can help! Click here to learn more about how Keto Success Coaching can help you achieve the healthy body you deserve!

How Does Keto Affect Your Immune System

With the recent global health crisis, and the regular cold and flu season fast approaching - it has never been more important to keep our immune system functioning at an optimal level. Is keto good or bad for our immune system? While there isn’t a ton of research on the topic, there are a few studies and various factors that may indicate that a ketogenic diet can help improve your immune system.

The Keto Success Coach



A study at Yale University in 2019 discovered that “mice that were fed a ketogenic diet were better able to fight the flu” and had a “better survival rate” compared to those fed a high carb, normal diet. The reasoning was that a ketogenic diet triggered the release of immune cells (called gamma delta T cells) that produce mucus in the lung cell linings. This mucus effectively traps the virus like a support barrier, and aids the body to get rid of the infectious agent.

While no research has been conducted on humans yet, the researchers of the study feel it could be a promising indication of how our immune system can benefit from keto.


How our immune system responds is directly related to our nutrition. When you follow a more whole food keto approach, you are more likely to have the appropriate nutrients that can help boost your immune system. Micronutrients such as vitamin A, C, D, E, B2, B6, B12, folic acid, iron, selenium and zinc are all critical for a healthy, functioning immune system. Some of these vitamins and minerals are found predominantly in meat, which is a staple on most keto diets.

Focusing on eating a whole food, nutrient dense ketogenic diet is essential for boosting your immune system. While the odd processed keto-friendly food, such as deli meats, keto bars or ice cream, are ok once in a while, they are often void of these nutrients and offer no value to your immune system.


Obesity can cause many different issues within the body, and a decreased immune system is one of them. People who are obese have been shown to have an increased risk of infection, especially respiratory infections. Keto has been shown to be an effective strategy to reduce weight over the long term. It can be deducted that weight loss can then help decrease chances of infection as well.


The ketogenic diet is extremely high in anti-inflammatory foods, and reduces the intake of known inflammatory foods. Once fat-adapted on a ketogenic diet, the body will trigger the release of a ketone called beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB). BHB is known for decreasing the cellular damage from outside infectious invaders by helping to maintain a healthy inflammatory response. BHB has also been shown to help immune cells (gamma delta T cells) form a “memory” that can help the body remember infecting agents so the immune system can respond more rapidly should it return.



Our immune systems and gut health are extremely interconnected as 70-80% of our immune system resides in our gut. Our body is home to over 100 trillion microbial cells collectively referred to as the gut microbiome. The majority of these bacteria are located within the gastrointestinal tract, and have a symbiotic relationship with our human cells to eliminate harmful pathogens.

Our body encounters bacteria for the first time during birth, and in time - the diversity of the microbiome and the gut influences strengthen and develop our immune system. Throughout our life factors such as diet, environment, and our lifestyle habits will shape the composition of our gut microbiome.

Some studies have suggested that a ketogenic diet can decrease instances of leaky gut and balance gut flora. By reducing the amount of fermentable carbohydrates, you starve inflammatory overgrowth and calibrate the gut towards healing.

It’s important to note that some good bacteria in our gut feed on carbohydrates. So including nutrient dense vegetables into your keto diet is important for your digestive health and immune system.


It has been well documented that sugar has a direct impact on decreasing the efficiency of our immune systems. 

Elevated blood sugar has been shown to:

  • Impair communication between immune cells

  • Decrease the recruitment of white blood cells (our body’s defense military!)

  • Impair our immune system to even recognize a pathogen

  • Impair the ability of cells to kill pathogens

    People who follow a ketogenic diet tend to maintain their blood sugar levels within a healthy range. This is because the diet eliminates sugary foods, and any relatively small amounts of sugar that may be ingested is spanned out throughout the course of a day. This creates a much lower impact on blood sugar spikes compared to ingesting something high in sugar at one meal. Occasional blood sugar spikes may not have a meaningful impact, but consuming foods like sugar and flour that cause spikes on a daily basis certainly could. 


Red Bell Peppers

Ounce for ounce, red bell peppers have 3x MORE vitamin C than an orange!


Broccoli is probably one of the healthiest vegetables you can put on your plate. It is packed with vitamin A, C, E, fiber and antioxidants. The key to maintaining the power intact is to cook it as little as possible, or not at all. Steaming has been shown as the best way to keep those nutrients intact.


Garlic not only adds tons of flavour to your food, it has anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal properties that help fight infections. 


Ginger has high anti-inflammatory properties and can help with nausea.


Spinach is packed with vitamin C and beta carotene. Like broccoli, it should be cooked as little as possible to keep the nutrients intact. However, light cooking makes it easier to absorb vitamin A and releases an anti-nutrient called oxalic acid.



Almonds are packed with vitamin E which is key to a healthy immune system.


These berries are filled with antioxidants and Vitamin C that can help toughen up your immune system.


These keto staple is filled with Vitamin E that helps to protect the body against many forms of illness.

Button Mushrooms

Mushrooms are filled with some minerals like selenium and B vitamins that help reduce severity of flu symptoms and boost immunity.

Green Tea

Filled with diverse antioxidants, polyphenols and flavonoids, Green Tea is amazing for finding cell damaging free radicals and destroying them. Plus it counts towards your water goals!

Bone Broth

Bone broth is filled with amino acids and anti-inflammatory properties that may help shorten colds and prevent illness. Plus, it contains collagen, gelatin and chondroitin that can help heal your gut which has a direct impact on your immune system.

Fermented Foods

Sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, pickles, and sugar-free kombucha are all keto friendly options full of probiotics to increase gut health and boost your immune system. 

Probiotics - BONUS TIP!

While not a food exactly, since 70-80% of our immune system is directly related to the health of your gut - it deserves an honourable mention. Not all probiotic supplements are created equal. Be sure to find one with a minimum of 10 billion cells from multiple different strains. Quality MATTTERS! A good quality probiotic should be purchased from a reputable health food store from a refrigerated section, and should always be stored in a fridge to keep them alive

Even though it hasn’t been studied in depth, there are enough indicators that may show living a ketogenic lifestyle can improve your immune system. By comparison to a Standard American Diet filled with sugar and processed foods, it stands to argue that eating a ketogenic diet filled with whole foods will improve your body’s ability to fight potential illness. Decreasing body weight while consuming more nutrient dense foods can help you decrease inflammation, heal your gut, and prevent cold and flu.

For more keto information, and support from keto women from around the world, join the FREE Keto Weight Loss for Women Facebook group!

Intuitive Eating and Keto

When you first start a keto diet, it’s absolutely essential that you figure out exactly what foods to eat, what foods to avoid, and how much to eat to ensure you actually get into ketosis. Keto beginners spend a lot of time learning about carb counts, fats, protein, and calories. It is absolutely recommended that you track your macros so you have a good base of knowledge about the quantities of these nutrients found in foods to get you started.

For some people, they are happy to continue tracking their macros continuously to ensure that they are moving in the right direction, or staying consistent in their keto lifestyle. Weighing, measuring, and tracking has become a normal part of their routine and they’re quite content to continue on this past. But for most people who have been doing keto for a while, this level of meticulous dedication fizzles out. It feels tedious, and even a bit redundant because they’ve tracked the same meals so many times they know it works well for their body, and weight loss or maintenance goals. They have switched to a more intuitive approach to their keto lifestyle.



The ketogenic diet is a very low carb, high fat diet that involves drastically reducing carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fat. This reduction of carbs (generally below 20-25g net carbs per day) puts your body into a metabolic state called ketosis.


Intuitive eating is essentially the opposite of a traditional “diet”. It is an eating style that suggests you should eat any type of food you want, but only when you’re hungry and to stop when you’re full. It was developed by two dietitians, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch back in 1995.

There are 10 key principles to Intuitive Eating:

  1. Reject the diet mentality

  2. Honour your hunger

  3. Make peace with food

  4. Challenge the food police

  5. Respect your fullness

  6. Discover satisfaction 

  7. Honour your feelings without food

  8. Respect your body

  9. Exercise

  10. Honour your health

It is also essential that you fully address and understand your own differences between physical hunger and emotional hunger.

  • Physical Hunger - the biological urge to replenish nutrients

    • Builds gradually

    • Signals include growling stomach, fatigue, irritability

    • Satisfied and ends once you’ve eaten food

  • Emotional hunger - driven by our emotional needs

    • Cravings arise out of emotional states such as sadness, loneliness and boredom

    • Signals start in the brain

    • Often only crave foods that bring you comfort (high fat, sugar, etc)

    • Eating often causes guilt, regret or self-loathing


There is clearly a contradiction between being on a “keto diet” and “intuitive eating”. By definition you can’t be on any form of diet and be considered to be Intuitive Eating. It’s just not possible based on the fact that keto inherently limits carbohydrates and eliminates sugar so you can’t fully listen to just your intuition sometimes. When that urge to eat pasta, white bread, sweets, or even a banana you technically can’t eat that and comply with being ketogenic.

There IS, however, a difference between “Intuitive Eating”  the anti-diet, and eating intuitively where you rely on your own body’s intuition and hunger cues to navigate your keto lifestyle. 



While not exactly a technical term, many people who have been on a keto diet for quite some time will have transitioned into a more “intuitive keto” lifestyle.

This is essentially focusing on eating keto foods, without all the micromanaging of tracking macros or weighing/measuring their food. The basic principles are:

  • Eat mostly animal products, nuts, seeds, vegetables, healthy fats, etc

  • Eat when hungry, not specifically sticking to an eating window

  • Allow hunger to guide how much or little they will eat that day

  • No tracking macros


Maybe, but maybe not. In order to lose weight we need to be in a caloric deficit and burn more calories than we consume. It can be difficult to intuitively know how much our body is burning compared to what we are eating based on our intuition alone.

In fact, some people claim that it isn’t possible because “feeling hungry” at times is necessary for weight loss as you decrease your caloric intake. But if you’re eating intuitively and listening to your hunger cues only, you will constantly be eating during these times and not allowing your body to adjust to your new calorie intake. Intentional weight loss efforts generally involve overriding your physical body cues at times by eating specific set amounts. 

There are also people who may struggle to eat enough due to the highly satiating quality of foods on a ketogenic diet. If you’re going off hunger cues and intuition alone, you may not feel hungry and consistently under-eat which is dangerous and can wreak havoc on your metabolism and normal bodily functions.


That totally depends on what your goals are! This approach is best for people who want a more flexible approach, don’t want to overthink everything, don’t mind if some days are more low carb, and aren’t concerned with being in ketosis all the time.

Intuitive keto is ideal for people who are transitioning away from “keto weight loss mode” and entering “keto maintenance mode” in their journey. It has no correlation to a particular number on the scale or goal weight. If you’re happy, healthy, and feeling good in your skin that can be enough to move away from tracking and into a more intuitive style of eating.

You can also take a “diet break” if you’re feeling mentally bogged down by the tedious task of tracking, weighing and measuring everything you eat. This is where an intuitive approach can help release some of that pressure by just simply eating keto-friendly foods and listening to your hunger cues. You can always go back to tracking again if you feel that this approach is causing you to gain weight. Or you may just realize that this is a better balance even if it means you’re up a few pounds on the scale because it feels like something you can actually maintain long term.



  • No food tracking, less time consuming

  • Eating more mindfully can allow you to re-build trust with your body’s own signals

  • “Dieting” isn’t great for those who have struggled with unhealthy eating behaviours in the past

  • Thinking less about food can free up mental space for other things


  • Can make it difficult to lose weight

  • May kick you out of ketosis more often

  • Relies entirely on your ability to listen to your hunger to know when to stop eating



Lean Into Your Why

Maybe you want to follow a keto diet for the sole purpose of weight loss. But WHY? Dig deeper than the superficial to find a more long term motivator. In what ways would your life change when you lose the weight? 

Get Off The Scale

Focus on how your body feels as you’re nourishing it mindfully with proper keto nutrition. Success is more about making behavioural changes and lifestyle adjustments that you can maintain long term. The number on the scale is not the only way to measure progress when you’re living a more intuitive keto lifestyle. As your body gets healthier, weight loss tends to follow.

Listen To Your Hunger Cues

Since you won’t be tracking macros to ensure you’re eating the right amount of food, it is important to really hone in on your hunger cues to guide you. Pay close attention to true hunger which usually starts in your stomach and moves upwards, and always stop eating when you feel physically full. This can be challenging if you have a history of overeating, mindless eating, or binge eating certain foods. There are many Hunger Scales you can find online that can help guide you through what sensations to be aware of as you practice a more mindful approach.

Practice Mindful Eating

It’s essential to intuitive keto that you practice being more mindful around meal times. Be sure to slow down, chew your food, and eat without any other distractions. This will also help raise your awareness of your hunger cues. Make a list of foods that you enjoy, are easy to prepare, and that you tend to eat in appropriate amounts so you can include them more frequently. Focus on whole, nutrient dense foods that are full of healthy fats and protein to nourish your body. Minimize the use of keto products, as they are easy to overeat and may disrupt your hunger signals.

Track Outcomes, Not Macros

Keeping track of all the positive benefits and changes you notice is a great way to measure your overall health and happiness. Do you have more energy? Are you taking less medication? How are you sleeping? Do your clothes fit better? Are your health markers with your doctor improving? These are all bigger picture benefits of living a keto lifestyle than a number on the scale any day.

There is no right or wrong way to follow a ketogenic diet. It mainly depends on what your goals are, and what you truly feel like you can achieve long-term. It is also absolutely fine if those tools shift and change as you move along in your keto journey! You can always try something new to see if it works, and experiment with different approaches to find what’s best for you physically, mentally and emotionally. Focus on your overall health and wellbeing, not just weight loss and the number on the scale. If you’d like any additional support moving forward with an intuitive keto lifestyle click here to learn more about how Keto Success Coaching can help!