Hey pals! 

The Ketolistic Coach

I’m Stephanie - The Keto Success Coach

I want you to know that I get it. I totally relate to you. I’ve been you. I’ve been there, done that, and am finally at peace within my body, and with my relationship to food. You can read more about My Story here if you want.

And… I know we’ve just met so this might sound super weird but, I KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS.

I know you want to feel better and look better. You want to be healthier and happier. You want to just finally be comfortable in your own skin once and for all. Is that too much to ask?

I get that you’re tired of dieting, feeling super restricted, starving all the time, and yo-yoing the same 10-20lbs (or more) again, and again.

You may be skeptical that this ketogenic diet is just the latest trend, it isn’t sustainable, and once you give up on it (like all the others) you’ll be right back where you started, but feeling even more defeated. 

I can hear that inner dialogue now. You know the one - that inner critic. That inner mean girl that says:

I can’t. I’m not ready yet.

I’ve failed before, why would this be different.

Once I’ve lost weight, THEN I’ll be ________.

Once I’ve lost weight, THEN I can ________.

I need to be thinner.

I’m not enough.

I’m too old to try now.

Ah, f*ck it.

After this holiday, THEN I’ll start.

What’s the point?

I don’t have time.

It will never work.

No, I really can’t.

It’s not worth it.

I’m not worth it.

Chances are this isn’t the first time you’ve had thoughts like these. Chances are they happen often. These stories we tell ourselves circle around and around our minds, keeping us firmly planted in our limiting beliefs, and in a body we’re not happy with. 

When I started my ketogenic journey it was solely for weight loss purposes. My weight had climbed to 200lbs - the highest it has ever been. . I thought it was impossible to give up foods like pasta and bread. But I decided to jump in with both feet anyway. What did I have to lose - except a bunch of weight.

The Ketolistic Coach

Now I can wholeheartedly say that living a ketogenic lifestyle not only gave me the weight loss results I desired, but it completely changed my life.

I bet you’ll be surprised to learn that:

  • It totally healed my relationship with food.

  • It allowed me to stop overthinking and obsessing constantly about my body.

  • It showed me that I can trust myself to follow through.

  • It helped stabilize my moods, feelings of anxiety and depressive thoughts.

  • It fueled my body to feel energized, not tired all the time.

  • It gave me confidence that I could change and improve other areas of my life.

Notice that I didn’t even mention feeling thinner, skinnier, or weighing less in general? It truly is so much more than the weight loss itself. I had no idea starting “another diet” would be the catalyst to change so much.

I was raised in a household where the topic of diets and weight loss were discussed A LOT. The pressure to lose weight was always there. I feel like I have tried so many “diets” that would be SO restrictive, unsatisfying, and quite frankly - just sad! This would of course totally backfire, and result in more secret junk food eating than I care to admit.

I have struggled with food and my weight my entire life, but today I am at the happiest and healthiest place I’ve ever been. I genuinely NEVER thought this was possible. And I want this so badly for you too. I want to show you how incredibly capable you are, and support you however you need along this journey. I want you to know you have all the power to overcome what’s holding you back from achieving your goals (and that you always have).

If you’ve already successfully lost the weight, but struggle to maintain it - I can help with that too. By overcoming our limiting beliefs, and digging deeper into our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours we can uncover what is at the root of self sabotage tendencies, and become the best version of ourselves (you’ve had this in you all along too).

And for those of you that like credentials…

  • I have an Honours degree in Psychology

  • I’m a Certified Professional Life Coach

  • I’m a Registered Holistic Nutritionist

  • I’ve been living a ketogenic lifestyle for 3 years. 

I am passionate about learning all things health, food, mindset, and personal development, and pride myself in being the best coach I can be to help support and serve you. Helping people is seriously my favourite!


  • I am super passionate about food - all things food. Cooking food. Eating food. Fine dining. Pub grub. Exotic foods. I seriously LOVE food, but totally cringe when people use the term “foodie”.

  • I have never had a coffee in my life, but I’m a total green tea addict.

  • I have owned and operated a Dog Walking & Pet Care business for 10 years.

  • My other greatest passion in life is music. I play classical piano, guitar, flute, and am a mediocre singer. My favourite genres to listen to are indie rock, alternative rock, 70s folk, punk rock, classic rock, and anything 90’s one hit wonders.

  • I’m a collector of quotes, and have been collecting since I was a young teenager with multiple journals full.

  • I’m a total morning person. Early Saturday mornings are my favourite time of the week.

  • I am on an endless pursuit of personal development - it’s a truly mind blowing, universe expanding hobby!

  • I recently got engaged to my partner of 10 years, I’m a 1st time home owner, and a cat mom to 2 kittens.

  • I’m an outgoing introvert. I’m capable of being social in a gathering, but would much prefer to spend my time hanging out at home.

The Ketolistic Coach

It’s seriously SUCH a huge honour to connect with you. I truly want what’s best for you. I want you to be happy and healthy, whatever that looks like to you.

I want you to achieve the results you truly desire. I want you to be comfortable in your skin, and live the life you want.

I believe you can do it. I know you can do it.

Are you ready to jump in with both feet and GET results?

Let’s do it together.