Keto and alcohol - What Can I Drink?

Going out and enjoying a social life while following a ketogenic diet may seem daunting to some people, but you can absolutely include some libations on your keto journey without ruining all of your progress! While there are many drinks that are off-limits due to their high sugar and carb counts on keto, there are a lot of options that are keto-friendly you can enjoy. It’s also important to know how alcohol is metabolized in the body to fully understand the effect on ketosis in the body, and how it can impact your weight loss goals.



When in ketosis, the body uses fat for fuel instead of carbs. Without carbs in the system, the liver turns fat into energy producing molecules called ketones. When you consume alcohol, the body begins to metabolize and break down the booze. Your liver views alcohol as a toxin it must immediately remove from the body first, and will put all of its resources into doing so. Until the alcohol has been processed, the liver will not produce ketones from fat. This will slow down the fat burning process, and potentially hinder your results.

This is something to consider if you enjoy a drink or two on a nightly basis. While you may be able to fit the macros into your daily carb allotment, your body will still need to burn off that alcohol first before returning to fat burning mode, and slow down your progress.


Carbs are great for managing the effects of alcohol. Anyone who enjoys a few drinks knows the saying “carbs help soak up the booze”. High carb foods are full of glucose which your body burns relatively quickly. This slows down the absorption and metabolism of alcohol, which reduces the level of alcohol in the blood stream So what happens on keto, in the absence of carbs?

When you reduce the amount of carbs you consume on a ketogenic diet, alcohol gets processed a lot faster. This can lead to feeling more tipsy or more drunk a lot quicker, and potentially with a lot less alcohol that you’d regularly consume before keto. 

If you’re new to keto, just be highly aware that this may occur so you don’t overdo it or get caught off guard. This is especially important for your safety if you’re on a night out, and for the safety of others if you plan on having 1 drink and driving a vehicle. Know your new keto alcohol limits, and stay within it, don’t drink and drive.


While you may be in a great keto groove, following a solid routine, and seeing some fantastic results! You’re totally fat-adapted and cravings for sugar or carbs have decreased dramatically. However, when you drink alcohol, your inhibitions and willpower are weakened. That’s why it’s so easy to eat any carb in sight at the end of a boozy night, especially if that’s something you would usually do prior to keto. Suddenly you’re tempted by foods you would otherwise disregard, because keto foods may seem less satisfying. 

Even if you stick with low-carb, keto friendly alcohol, your food choices after consuming those drinks may end up throwing you out of ketosis. Be aware of this ahead of time, and have a satisfying keto meal or snack ready on standby. 



As a general rule, liquor will always be the best thing to consume if you’re considering the carb count on a ketogenic diet. Liquor or Spirits with 40% alcohol by volume (80 proof) or higher contains 0 net carbs. You can drink these spirits straight up, or with a keto-friendly mixer. Make sure the liquor you choose is free from any simple syrups, juices, or fruit add-ins. Some flavoured liquors such as vodka or rum may contain these ingredients, so it’s important to do your own research first.

Pure liquors for keto include:

  • Vodka

  • Gin

  • Whiskey

  • Brandy

  • Cognac

  • Rum

  • Tequila


Wine can be a great option to include in moderation for all of the added health benefits such as antioxidants, polyphenols and resveratrol. As a general rule of thumb, dry wines contain the least amount of sugar and are the best options for a keto diet

Dry wines are achieved by harvesting the grapes before they are fully ripe, so they contain less sugar. They also do not typically use a process called chaptalization in which sugar is added to aid in the fermentation process. If you see a wine labeled “late harvest” indicates that the wine is likely full of sugar with a high carb count, and not conducive for keto. 

While there are many keto-friendly wine options available, it’s important to note that there are no standards or nutritional information on the bottles. You may want to do some research online prior to purchasing, and stick with more generic brands where that information may be more readily available.

Red Wines for keto include:

  • Cabernet Sauvignon

  • Pinot Noir

  • Merlot

  • Syrah

White Wines for keto include:

  • Sparkling White

  • Brut Champagne

  • Pinot Blanc

  • Pinot Grigio

  • Sauvignon Blanc

  • Chardonnay


Due to the main ingredients in beer (barley, hops, yeast and water) it’s difficult to find beers that are truly keto friendly. Barley is broken down into sugar maltose, which activates the yeast, and creates a much higher carb count than liquor or even some wines. It can also be easy to over-consume beer compared to other types of alcohol, which can directly impact your keto weight loss.

If you’re a beer drinker, don’t fret! There are still some options that can be included in your keto lifestyle that have a lower carb count, and once fat adapted, even the occasional higher carb beer likely won’t throw you out of ketosis. A good strategy may be to choose lower carb beers with a higher alcohol percentage, so that you consume less in quantity to get a buzz. 

Low carb beer availability will vary by region and country so be sure to do your own research before going to the store in your area. 

Beers for keto include:

  • Budweiser Select 55

  • Miller 64

  • Michelob Ultra

  • Sleeman Clear

  • Miller Lite

  • Coors Light

  • Bud Light


Hard seltzers have become all the rage over the last few years. They’re a great keto option as they’re pre-mixed and often range between 0-3g net carbs per can, with a wide variety of flavours. They’re a perfect option if you like fruity drinks, without all the sugar. 

There are many different options for hard seltzers, and it seems like new ones become available constantly. They vary depending on region and country, so be sure to do your own research before going to the store.

Hard Seltzers for keto include:

  • White Claw

  • Bud Light Hard Seltzer

  • Smirnoff Sparkling Seltzer

  • Cottage Springs

  • SocialLite

  • TRULY Hard Seltzer

  • Corona Hard Seltzer



Keto friendly mixers are just as important as the alcohol itself. Many mixers are full of sugar so even if you choose a 0 carb liquor, what you mix it with can make all the difference for staying in ketosis.

Common mixers like fruit juice, tonic water, soda, simple syrups, and energy drinks can quickly turn a keto friendly drink into a high carb, high calorie beverage. 

Mixers for keto include:

  • Soda water or seltzer

  • Sugar-Free Tonic Water

  • Diet Soda

  • Powdered flavour enhancers

  • Liquid water enhancer

  • Lemon or limes


  • You may experience feelings of intoxication on less alcohol - especially if you’re new to keto. You may need half as many drinks as usual to feel the effects of alcohol so be careful not to overdo it

  • Your hangover may be worse as a result of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance

  • Have keto-friendly foods and snacks ready if you drink. You may be more likely to make poor food choices while you’re intoxicated and inhibition is lowered

  • Drinking alcohol will slow down weight loss as the body turns all of its resources to burning off the alcohol before resuming burning off any fat stores

  • Calories in alcohol still count and may slow your weight loss

  • Be prepared and do your own research into what drinks and mixers are keto-friendly

  • Listen to your body, and act accordingly - your reaction to alcohol may differ from those around you

  • Drink water in between alcoholic beverages, and supplement electrolytes before going to bed to help alleviate hangover symptoms.

Although there are many keto friendly, low carb options you can enjoy while following a ketogenic diet, that doesn’t mean they should become a part of your regular routine. If you’re really determined to reach your weight loss goals, alcohol in general should be limited as it is rich in empty calories meaning it provides calories with zero nutrients like protein, fiber, vitamins or minerals. Even drinking 1-2 drinks a day can impact on your progress, since your body will constantly be working to burn off the alcohol before burning any fat stores. The most important thing to consider is what’s sustainable for you. If you decide to include alcohol on a daily basis so you don’t feel restricted, just understand that your weight loss progress may be slower. If you want any additional help click here to learn how Keto Success Coaching can help you create a ketogenic lifestyle that can get you simple and sustainable results!