in a rut


So you’re currently feeling discontent and stuck in your life. You’re in limbo. You’re in a rut. You’re in a funk. Whatever you call it, you feel the heaviness and monotony of your daily life and struggle to see any way out. You’re still plugging away at your keto diet, but you’re just so bored and blah about caring. You’re bored of all the usual keto foods you can eat, or posting anything to social media. Or maybe you’re flip-flopping on and off keto because you just want to feel SOMETHING, and simply don’t care anymore if you gain weight or not.

There’s nothing wrong with feeling your emotions when shit hits the fan, and there’s nothing wrong with giving yourself a break from your daily routines. BUT, sometimes it drags on a little too long. Next thing you, know you’re floundering through your days and tired of feeling so...blah ALL THE TIME.

The Ketolistic Coach


Maybe you feel complacent, lazy or slightly depressed and your current situation because “you know better”, but just can’t seem to dig your way out.

THEN... you get annoyed or irritated with yourself for “letting it go on for this long”, because you know you’re full of so much more potential than you’re living day to day. You’ve started putting on a bit more weight, because you haven’t been following your keto diet as closely anymore. First, take a deep breath and know that you have the power to change your situation!

Here are 6 things that I have personally used in my own life to become unstuck, and start moving in a more positive and productive direction. When we start feeling better in our day-to-day lives, we start making better choices about how we treat our bodies and ourselves, physically and mentally.

Don’t focus on big drastic changes, but rather a few small, simple things that you can implement into your daily life that will help move you forward. These items range from super easy for a quick change in mood, to a bit more challenging that may help address some of the real issues head-on.


1) Change Up Your Playlist

Music plays an integral role in the human experience. Studies have shown that music can boost happiness and reduce anxiety. Add more songs to your playlist that are upbeat or inspire you. Discover new music, or make a playlist of all your old favourites from when you were younger and have a nostalgic dance party. Instant mood booster!

2) Declutter Your Home

Clutter, mess, dark rooms, jammed drawers, knick-knacks covered in dust, and overflowing closets are a total bummer. Living in a cluttered environment has been shown to affect mood, increase stress, deplete energy, and can make you generally feel overwhelmed and out of control. Clutter is simply exhausting! Edit your environment and donate any gently used items. You will feel helpful and hopeful, all while relieving unnecessary stress and finding joy in your home.

  • BONUS TIP! Try re-arranging your furniture!! We feel good after vacations because spending time in new places helps us to detach from our daily monotony. So if you can, try changing up your surroundings so you can breathe some freshness into your household.

3) Start a New Planner.

Organize your To-Do lists all in one place, and stay on top of your day-to-day routines. Planners provide a full overview of your daily, weekly, and monthly activities which can help you make intentional choices with your time and commitments. Or start a new meal planner to organize your keto foods, and add some new recipes you’ve always wanted to try.

Planners are also a built-in memory builder that you can use to look back and see all the great things you’ve done and accomplished. Plus, who doesn’t love giving themselves a big fat checkmark after completing a task?! So satisfying!


4) Start a Journal and Practice Gratitude.

Taking time to practice writing down your thoughts and emotions surrounding the events in your life can be very therapeutic. It works best when done consistently to explore and observe patterns that may be keeping you stuck. Don’t worry about spelling, grammar or punctuation - none of those details matter. Journaling is all about self exploration to become more self aware. It can help decrease stress, promote mental clarity, increase creativity, and encourage spiritual growth. It can also encourage us to make good keto choices to improve our health and wellbeing.

Not sure what to write about? Start your journal everyday by simply writing 3 things you’re grateful for. We often feel stuck in the first place because we are unsatisfied with what we have, or where we are. When you practice gratitude for what you do have (a roof over your head, food in your belly, the ability to breathe, hitting every green light on your way home, your pets, your resilience, etc) you feel content with what is, and that can help you focus on moving forward.

5) Turn off the TV/ Phone/ Video Games.

We waste so much time mindlessly in front of a screen. We use these devices as a way to self soothe and keep us distracted from what’s really going on around us. The one thing in life we do not get more of is time.

Be honest with yourself about how much time you’re wasting in front of a screen, and use that time with more productive activities that help you fulfill your true potential! Try reading a new book, work on personal development, journal, meditate, listen to inspiring podcasts, start a new hobby or revisit an old one, exercise, try a new keto recipe, take an online course, practice self care. ANYTHING that sparks your creativity and fills your cup.

Set a specific time in your day for screen-stuff. That way you can use TV time as a reward afterwards to relax feeling totally inspired and accomplished!

6) Adopt New Healthy Habits

If you have a life filled with bad habits you are self sabotaging every single day, and keeping yourself stuck. Starting new healthier habits can help inspire a fresh new attitude. They can make you feel more energetic, motivated, inspired, organized, and self dependent.

When you start taking better care of yourself you develop a sense of pride, and prove to yourself that you are capable. These feelings trickle over into all areas of your life and drag you out of a rut. Find a new workout you enjoy, drink your water, stick to your keto eating plan, develop a healthy morning and night time routine. Set yourself a challenge and follow through!

Remember that change takes time, but it is possible. Strive for progress over perfection, always


We all go through seasons of our life where we feel stuck. Sometimes, we go through our lives day-in and day-out and get ourselves in a rut. The good news is - recognizing the funk is the first step! Now you can take daily actionable steps to change that. And more often than not, it is the very thing that propels us forward on a path to self discovery and growth.

What’s the 1st thing you’re going to try to become unstuck? Or what things have helped you in the past successfully become unstuck? Start implementing these tips and try to find what works for you. And if you’re still feeling unsure and need a little help go to to learn more and how I may be able to help. You can also join the FREE Keto Weight Loss for Women Facebook group for more support.